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After a 3 day search, the complexity is documented here

The serviced hardware are HP DL 385 G2 servers within our datacenter. This professional HP server is from 2006 to 2008 with a lot of unique features - and today it has become inexpensive (used) - and it is powerful with 8 cores and 32 Gigabyte RAM.

For remote setup of the openSuse Hypervisor and the openSuse virtual guests, (or any other linux) we absolutely need to use iLO2. Over years the experience with iLO1 was successful and ok. On a used server, we firstly clear all the stored information of everything. And we configure the iLO interface minimum settings using the "Rom Based Setup Utility (rbsu)" during startup - at the local physical console - using the "F8" key. Every installation after this initial setup will be comfortably done via the iLO "remote console".

Having two new (but used) servers, the "JAVA remote console" of the first one did not work with iLO2. After some unplesant hours, I did try the second one - and it did work - by accident ?? - but why ?? - nothing was changed on my workstation.

So there must be some reasons, to block loading the JAVA applet(s). However, I found out under what conditions it will run - what you need and what you may need.

The workstation software we are using in our office

The main goal is - learned from old Compaq people : Think easy, make it easy and keep it easy (or simple) !!!!

The iLO1 and iLO2 concepts contain two parts -

  1. a https secure web based management and
  2. this strongly needed JAVA based "remote console" to see, access and work on the local physical console remotely - in my office.

In 2009 we did setup (not only one) WIN2000 service-work-stations with an old Netscape 9 browser and an old JAVA runtime and some snmp tools and mrtg statistics. There is no use outside this job. On our Compaq/HP DL395 G1 servers it did work seemly fine over years. The access of the iLO2 web pages (part 1) works fine too, exactly as the iLO1 web pages.

The basics and the first server (and iLO) setup

Every unit connected over the internet needs some well known basic setting as ip-number, gateway-ip, netmask and a DNS server ip. The iLO part of each server will be configured using a text based menu setup - like an old BIOS setup. Firstly we did select "Set Defaults" and then we did select DHCP. Using DHCP, the field "DNS Name" is greyed out and not accessable.
Within 20 years experience, you are missing to take care of the "DNS-Name", because it is not changeable. As I found out lately, it is an "very" important information for security aspects of JAVA. JAVA will stop and hold the loading of the "remote control" App and terminate any activity. But there are more "corners", you should take care.

Suggestion : You better need to start with a fixed ip

My experience: Setting "DHCP Enable" to "OFF", activates the field "DNS-Name" and you may enter a name of your choice (have a look at all my screenshots later). But the DNS-Name should NOT include the "zone" of your network. Our zone here is "" - as you see on the sceenshots and it will be put together.

I have no idea what the JAVA applet does check out, but the "remoet console" applet of iLO1 did work and the same one of iLO2 did no more work. That means, the iLO2 Applet checks more carfully, whats going on.

I will explane, how I did find the bug and what I did, to solve it - better : the way of a workaround.

However - I got it working on all my Admin-Stations

This are the good news, it should work, following my suggestions.

It will take some time to comment the screenshots

I am so happy, to find out how it does work now and why it did not work in the past - for several days. So please be patient, I have now to do some important jobs firstly.


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