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Feb. 2010 - Nach Update von LS Firmware 2.11 auf die Pro 1.15 Version stehen die Lüfter plötzlich still.

Da wurde etwas an der Temperaturkennlinie verändert. Warum ?? Und das gefällt mir nicht. Darum hat Rudi für mich im Internet gesucht und Folgendes gefunden:

Die Steuerungs-Software und die Commandos:
In der Softwareliste von Buffalo steht, daß diese System-Monitoring Software nicht public ist. Hier erst mal die wesentlichen Kommandos:

(unser Buffalo Test Server heißt root@NAS-100)

Test-Abfrage 1 auf aktuelle Funktion (stop, slow, fast, full)
root@NAS-100:~#     /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_set_speed
es kommt als Antwort:

Test-Abfrage 2 auf Fan speed in rpm (Umdrehungen) anzeigen:
root@NAS-100:~#      /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_get_speed
es kommt als Antwort:

Fan speed ändern auf "fast":

root@NAS-100:~#      /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_set_speed fast

Fan speed Kontrolle:
root@NAS-100:~#      /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_get_speed
es kommt als Antwort:

Fan speed ändern auf "slow":
root@NAS-100:~#       /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_set_speed slow

Fan speed Kontrolle:
root@NAS-100:~#      /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_get_speed
es kommt als Antwort:

Es gibt ausser slow und fast auch noch

  • miconapl -a fan_set_speed full und
  • miconapl -a fan_set_speed stop

An die eigentliche Regel-Kennlinie kommt man (noch?) nicht heran.

Die Optionen des miconapl Moduls von Buffalo

These control files are written by an utility called "/usr/local/sbin/miconapl" having the syntax:
miconapl -a <bz_imhere|bz_melody> <TEMPO> <TONES>
miconapl -a <bz_on> <boot|button|finepix|on3off3|on4off2(?)|on5off3|stop>
miconapl -a <fan_get_speed|int_get_switch_status>
miconapl -a <fan_set_speed> <stop|slow|fast|full>
miconapl -a <hdd_set_power> <hdd0|hdd1|all_on> [off]
miconapl -a <led_set_on_off|led_set_brink> [diag] [func] [info] [link] [power] [off]
miconapl -a <led_set_code_error|led_set_code_information> <1-99|off>
miconapl -a <led_set_cpu_mcon> <diag|power|off> [on]
miconapl -a <mcon_get_version>
miconapl -a <reboot|shutdown_wait>
miconapl [-b] -a <boot_end|boot_flash_ok>

</code>micon_get_version returns something like "LS-WSGL/R1Ver1.0" without the quotes. Not all linkstation mainboards have a buzzer/beeper soldered on.
The fan speeds are approximately at "full":3500rpm, "fast": 2500rpm, "slow":1800rpm, "stop":0. Not all boards support fan regulation.
fan_get_speed returns "fan_rpm=Fine" if the fan is rotating.

Die Temperaturabfrage der Buffalo LS:

noch etwas zur Temperatur im Gehäuse:

root@NAS-100:~#      /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a temp_get

es kommt als Antwort:

Ich nehme an, die Zahl ist in Grad Celsius.

Wo stehen die INIT Werte in der Pro Firmware ?

Sie stehen hier drinnen: /etc/init.d/

Ab der Pro Firmware ist der Lüfter abgeschaltet ?? Warum ??

Das korrigierte Shellscript sieht bei mir so aus:
(alle fan_speed Zeilen sind wieder "Ein"-kommentiert und jetzt auf slow gesetzt !!!


# : no arguments
        if [ -f /etc/linkstation_standby ] ; then
                return 1
                return 0

        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a led_set_cpu_mcon off
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a led_set_brink off
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a usb_set_power all_on
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_set_speed slow
        if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/miconmon ] ; then

#       /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_set_speed stop
        killall miconmon > /dev/null
        #/usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a led_set_cpu_mcon off

        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_set_speed slow
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a system_set_watchdog 0
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a hdd_set_power off
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a usb_set_power off
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a led_set_cpu_mcon power link on
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a led_set_on_off power link off

        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_set_speed slow
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a system_set_watchdog 250
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a usb_set_power on
        /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a led_set_cpu_mcon power link off

.......... usw. bis Scriptende ......

Stand Feb 2010 - das hat nichts gebracht, der Lüfter läuft nicht ab dem Start der Box.
Ich habe den Lüfter per CLI angetriggert. (  /usr/local/sbin/miconapl -a fan_set_speed slow )

Hier etwas zu dem geregelten Lüfter selbst:

File: ReadMe_Buffalo_Fan.txt  2010-02-27 RR

Fan 40 x 10 mm, 12VDC 3 wire, 0.8 W, 6200 RPM, 7 CFM, 25 dB-A,  16 EUR, $37 with shipping
Hersteller: ADDA, Teilenummer AD0412LX-G76-LF, old scheme
  AD = Adda brushless DC fan
  04 = Frame size = 40 mm
  12 = 12 VDC
  L  = Speed Low
  X  = Bearing type HYPRO bearing
  G  = Thickness 10 mm
  7  = Impeller number 7 blades
  6  = Function by transistor with speed sensor
  LF = ?
Replacement 3$ + 6$ shipping

2007-04-15 danmiles Replcaing Linkstation Fan
Just finished changing out the fan in my Linkstation 250. A couple of notes on the instructions given elsewhere...

-- The exact replacement fan is available from Mouser Electronics

-- You have to peel off the front panel overlay to find the two small screws that hold the U-shaped band around the case. When I removed the panel on my Linkstation there was enough "sticky" left to put it back on when I was done. (Note that the two screws are really tiny - about the size of a grain of rice. You will need a cross-head jeweler's screwdriver to get them off. The screwdriver in an eyeglass repair kit might work as well.)

-- The U-shaped band is held on to the case with L-shaped clips on the top and bottom legs of the band. After you remove the two tiny screws hidden under the front panel overlay, slide the U-shaped band toward the front of the drive (I had to pry mine with a screwdriver) then lift the top and bottom arms up until the clips clear the case and the U-shaped band should come right off.

-- To open the case, press in the tabs that lock the sides together and swing the case open like a book where the front panel is the spine of the book and opens last. The two halves of the case should come apart easily leaving one half containing the electronics, drive, etc.

-- The fan is held in with plastic clips built into the case. When you remove the fan note which side the label faces so when you install the new fan you can get the airflow in the right direction

-- There are three wires on the fan - red, black, and blue. I simply cut the wires to the old fan and spliced in the corresponding wires from the replacement fan.

-- When you reassemble the case, be sure that the power switch on the front panel is aligned with the corresponding hole in the front panel of the case.

07-Jun-2008, 09:12 AM #19 rradarr
Try some oil!
Hi - I've had the same problem with my Linkstation, but I've managed to return it to it's original as-new silent running with a clean and a small drop of sewing machine light engine oil. I still took the unit apart first, used an air spray to remove the dust, and then carefully applied the oil into the hub. Saved me a fiver on the fan with p&p.
By the way - don't use WD40; it's not suitable for this task.

Wie weit das im Einzelnen stimmt, weiss ich noch nicht.

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